
Bank Policy in the Area of Sustainable Development

Bank GPB (JSC) Sustainable Development Policy
Corporate Code of Ethics of Bank GPB (JSC) (interactive)

The concept of sustainable development underpinned Gazprombank’s values and business processes long before it became widely spoken of in the financial sector. Throughout our almost 30 years of history, we have always demonstrated our whole-hearted commitment to the principles of responsible and honest business conduct and adherence to corporate ethics.

In recent years, social and environmental criteria have become integral components of partnership and project investment. The Bank actively interacts with all stakeholders and makes its annual financial statements and non-financial operating results freely accessible to the general public. Notwithstanding our openness, information safety and customer data protection are our overarching priorities.

Gazprombank understands the responsibility its owes to the employees and endeavors to do everything it can for their well-being, health, safety, and security. The Bank also respects the promotion of human rights in accordance with international human rights law, which are backed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including the International Bill of Human Rights and the 1998 International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The Bank respects and supports human rights in accordance with international human rights standards provided for in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including those included in the International Bill of Human Rights and the 1998 Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization. The Bank takes pride in and cherishes cultural differences, experiences and mentality of its Employees and values and supports diversity as it opens new prospects. The Banks follows the principle of equal opportunities for all.

Gazprombank pays special attention to environmental matters, in particular, by reducing the environmental impact of the Bank’s business processes and by making efficient use of energy and other resources, largely through better management of consumables. The Bank places ever-higher priority on employee education and embedment of a corporate culture that facilitates the proliferation of sustainable development principles both inside and outside the Bank.

The transition from a conventional model of doing business to a sustainable one is a complex, long, and tedious process for entities in any sector of economy. Gazprombank has already embarked upon this course of change, setting new sustainable development goals every year and doing everything possible to achieve them.

In 2021, Gazprombank issued its first ever Report on the Bank’s activities in the field of sustainable development for the previous reporting period. The Bank’s ESG Report complies with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and its conformity to these standards was validated externally. The facts stated in the Report also passed an independent audit to ensure the readers’ confidence that the information provided in the Report for the first time is accurate and complete.