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Messages for Bank customers

Gazprombank to Support Youth and Student Tourism in Russia
15 January 2020

Moscow, January 15, 2020 — Gazprombank, the National Union of the Hospitality Industry (OSIG) and the All-Russian public organization Russian Union of Youth (RUY) concluded an agreement on long-term and mutually-beneficial cooperation in the implementation of joint projects and programs on developing Russia’s tourism potential for youth and students.

The agreement was inked on the margins of the 11th Gaidar Forum “Russia and the World: Challenges of a New Decade.” The document was signed by Natalya Tretyak, First Vice President of Gazprombank, OSIG President Grant Babasyan, and Pavel Krasnorutsky, Chairman of the Russian Union of Youth.

Among other things, Gazprombank will facilitate the creation of favorable market conditions for affordable tours geared towards youth, promote the partner loyalty program and attract RUY partners to the international discount system of the European Youth Card Association (EYCA) for the purposes of the future provision of discounts for the holders of co-branded GPB-RUY cards and conventional EYCA discount cards. The Bank will forward offers regarding the organization of integrated banking services for legal entities and financial services for individuals to the OSIG and professional participants of the hospitality industry.

“Russia boasts tremendous tourism potential, particularly for youth and students. I am confident that the agreement signed today with the participation of Gazprombank will make the great history, culture and nature of our country even more accessible to Russian and foreign tourists,” shared Natalya Tretyak, First Vice President of Gazprombank.

“One of the main goals of the National Union of the Hospitality Industry is to foster a generation that will enjoy travelling across Russia. With this in mind, we actively cooperate with institutions of higher education, ensure the updating of tour circuits for school children, hold the “Masters of Hospitality” professional competition, arrange career guidance and promote work in the field of tourism. We support the project on the International Card of Privileges from the Russian Union of Youth and Gazprombank, where we will generate content by engaging the professional tourism market – our partners,” shared Grant Babasyan, President of the National Union of the Hospitality Industry.

“Currently, the RUY is shaping a mechanism for the promotion of youth tourism. The main goal of this work is to create convenient travel conditions for youth. The agreement signed today will be instrumental in setting a trend for travelling across Russia among young people,” said Pavel Krasnorutsky, Chairman of the Russian Union of Youth.

Additionally, the panel discussion “The Hospitality Industry: Potential and Development Prospects,” moderated by Natalya Tretyak, took place within the framework of the Gaidar Forum with the participation of Gazprombank. Participants of the Russian tourism market discussed the development potential of domestic and inbound tourism, examples from the global and Russian practice of introducing regional tourist products and compiled a list of tools for the development of Russia’s tourism potential.

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