Pursuant to Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006, I hereby freely, of my own accord and on my behalf, authorize Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company) (hereinafter – the Bank), location: Moscow, address of the Bank’s management bodies: 16 Nametkina st., bldg. 1, 117420, Moscow, to process my personal data specified in this application (collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, modification (updating and revision), retrieval, use, transfer, depersonalization, blocking and destruction) with/without the use of automation tools in order to process this electronic application and send/provide a reply.

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Messages for Bank customers

Gazprombank Supports the BALKON City Theater Festival
15 May 2020

Moscow, May 15, 2020 — Gazprombank provided support to the Moscow BALKON Festival, which is going to take place online this year.

BALKON is a theater festival that turns city balconies into acting spaces for chamber and large-scale performances, and cozy courtyards — into auditoriums. One balcony allows for one performance by an artist who recites poems. The balconies of both modern buildings and historic manors turn into festival locations in Moscow. In 2020, the festival will take place in an online format.

From May 15 to June 15, viewers will be able to watch poetic one-man shows and prosaic exercises on the pages of Instagram, Facebook and Vkontakte and on the official festival website. It is a chance to connect with the history of theater — from the origins of public-square arts to the newest formats. During the month, anybody interested can watch 10 poetic shows on social media featuring 10 top-tier stars of the theater, including Irina Gorbacheva, Pavel Derevyanko, Yuliya Vysotskaya, Alexander Filippenko and writer Sasha Filipenko, Maxim Vitorgan, Artyom Tkachenko, Anatoly Bely, Katerina Shpitsa and Timofey Tribuntsev. From their balconies, the actors will read their favorite works on camera. A unique conceptual scene is developed for every clip to be in harmony with the performer’s personality and the vibe of the work — as well as with the architectural specifics of the balconies. Filming took place in Moscow and in the Moscow suburbs, as well as in St. Petersburg and Sochi. Some performances are supplemented with original soundtracks.

With the support of Gazprombank, the festival will debut this year in an online format, free of charge for any viewer.

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