Pursuant to Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006, I hereby freely, of my own accord and on my behalf, authorize Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company) (hereinafter – the Bank), location: Moscow, address of the Bank’s management bodies: 16 Nametkina st., bldg. 1, 117420, Moscow, to process my personal data specified in this application (collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, modification (updating and revision), retrieval, use, transfer, depersonalization, blocking and destruction) with/without the use of automation tools in order to process this electronic application and send/provide a reply.

Consent is provided from the date on which this application is processed and shall be valid for the period specified in the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

I have been notified that Consent to Personal Data Processing may be revoked in accordance with Part 2, Article 9 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006. In case of withdrawal of Consent for Personal Data Processing, the Bank shall be entitled to continue processing personal data without my consent if there are grounds specified in clauses 2-11, Part 1, Article 6, Part 2, Article 10 and Part 2, Article 11 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006.

I agree that the Bank may use the information contained in this electronic application to clarify the information provided in the application and inform about progress in the review of this application.

The Bank informs you that electronic communications sent via the Internet are transmitted via unsecured communication channels. The Bank shall not be liable for maintaining the confidentiality of data when they are transmitted via the Internet.

Messages for Bank customers

Gazprombank to Take Part in Support Programs for Moscow Entrepreneurs
1 October 2020

Moscow, October 1, 2020 — Gazprombank and the Moscow Small Business Credit Assistance Fund signed a cooperation agreement aimed at extending the finance system and creating conditions of uniform access to financial resources for the capital’s small and medium-sized business entities (SME).

Now, the Bank’s clients can use the Fund’s guarantee as a kind of collateral for a loan or as a bank guarantee in case they lack their own collateral or if it is insufficient. It will allow entrepreneurs to increase the sum of raised borrowed funds. The Bank itself assumes organizational and procedural interaction with the Fund.

“We have taken an important step towards supporting the SME segment. Conclusion of the agreement will allow for the more efficient financing of businesses in one of the country’s key regions,” said Vyacheslav Koloskov, Head of the Small and Medium Business Relations Center at Gazprombank.

“We always welcome extending our list of partners: it means that entrepreneurs are greeted by more competitive terms when choosing a bank. Gazprombank has shown its experience in crediting small-sized business, successfully passed competitive selection and defined the limits of the funds it is willing to apply towards the crediting of Moscow-based entrepreneurs with the guarantee backing of the Fund. We are counting on successful cooperation for the benefit of the capital’s small-sized business community,” commented Anton Kuprinov, the Fund’s Executive Director.

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