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Messages for Bank customers

Gazprombank Chooses the Winners of a Scholarship Established within the Framework of the Student of the Year Award
7 December 2020

Moscow, December 7, 2020 — Gazprombank took part in the award ceremony for winners of the Student of the Year Russian national award. The results were announced at the closing ceremony of the event by Valery Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Pavel Krasnorutsky, Chairman of the All-Russian public organization Russian Union of Youth, and Natalya Tretyak, First Vice President of Gazprombank.

Gazprombank and the Russian Union of Youth team up for a few joint projects. In particular, the Bank is a partner of the Russian Student Spring program, the RUY International Club of Privileges within the framework of the issuance of co-branding youth cards, and the annual Student of the Year Award. In 2020, Gazprombank established three scholarships of RUB 60,000 each for winners of the award. Payments will be remitted in the beginning of 2021.

“Supporting young, talented, involved and passionate people is an important aspect of Gazprombank’s social policy. We implement a lot of scholarship, educational and internship programs, and it is a great honor for the Bank to partner with a project where everyone has a chance to show their worth,” said Natalya Tretyak.

The closing ceremony of the Student of the Year 2020 Russian National Award took place online in the presence of guests, experts and the remote connection of finalists. Some 15,000 students from 66 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and more than 1,200 educational organizations contended for the championship in 23 nominations.

The Student of the Year Russian National Award was established in 2014. It is a unique contest and educational project for students at Russia’s educational institutions — students boasting special accomplishments in learning, academics, sports, creative and social activities. The award is aimed at finding, supporting and promoting talented youth among students.

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