Pursuant to Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006, I hereby freely, of my own accord and on my behalf, authorize Gazprombank (Joint Stock Company) (hereinafter – the Bank), location: Moscow, address of the Bank’s management bodies: 16 Nametkina st., bldg. 1, 117420, Moscow, to process my personal data specified in this application (collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, modification (updating and revision), retrieval, use, transfer, depersonalization, blocking and destruction) with/without the use of automation tools in order to process this electronic application and send/provide a reply.

Consent is provided from the date on which this application is processed and shall be valid for the period specified in the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

I have been notified that Consent to Personal Data Processing may be revoked in accordance with Part 2, Article 9 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006. In case of withdrawal of Consent for Personal Data Processing, the Bank shall be entitled to continue processing personal data without my consent if there are grounds specified in clauses 2-11, Part 1, Article 6, Part 2, Article 10 and Part 2, Article 11 of Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006.

I agree that the Bank may use the information contained in this electronic application to clarify the information provided in the application and inform about progress in the review of this application.

The Bank informs you that electronic communications sent via the Internet are transmitted via unsecured communication channels. The Bank shall not be liable for maintaining the confidentiality of data when they are transmitted via the Internet.

Messages for Bank customers

Gazprombank Adopts an Updated Corporate Ethics Code
27 May 2021

Moscow, May 27, 2021 — Gazprombank adopted its Corporate Ethics Code, an updated and enhanced version of the document that had existed since 2005.

Aside from provisions relating solely to Bank employees, the new Code stipulates adherence to sustainable development principles as a mandatory part of responsible and ethical business conduct.

The document formalizes core corporate values such as legality, proactivity, openness and responsibility, as well as empathy and care for the individual — values underpinning all of the rules of the new Code. Moreover, the updated document describes the Bank’s approaches to the assurance of informational transparency, human rights, the health and safety of employees, as well as the mutual responsibility of the Bank and its workers and the principles of risk culture at the Bank.

“The Bank strives to contribute to the building of a sustainable new economy. For this purpose, it actively integrates ESG principles at all levels of the organization’s operations. In particular, we believe that in order to move forward confidently, a favorable working environment must be created at all levels. We must promote the development of people and their ideas, business and companies, society and the country. That’s precisely why we propose that not only our employees, but also our clients, partners, contractors and other interested parties, follow the principles described in the adopted Corporate Ethics Code,” said Dmitry Zauers, Deputy Chairman of Gazprombank’s Management Board.

The updated Corporate Ethics Code marks the next step in comprehensive activities aimed at introducing the ESG framework into the operations of the Bank and its partner companies. It’s for this reason that a Council for the Introduction of Sustainable Development Principles was previously established at Gazprombank and that the respective Policy was created to regulate this area.

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