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Messages for Bank customers

The Russian Quantum Center Showcases Quantum Sensors Manufactured with the Support of Gazprombank at SPIEF
4 June 2021

St. Petersburg, June 4, 2021 — At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, a presentation of projects involving the use of quantum sensors in medicine took place at the Gazprombank stand.

Dmitry Zauers, Deputy Chairman of Gazprombank’s Management Board, attended the demonstration, while the presentation itself was given by Maxim Ostras, a supervisor of one of the projects involving the development of ultrasensitive magnetic sensors for use in the medical field.

“Quantum technologies have multiple fields of application — from quantum data protection to medicine. Gazprombank was one of the first in Russia to see this potential, so today, the investments we made in the past are yielding breakthrough results. We can see the huge commercial potential of these technologies,” commented Dmitry Zauers, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board.

“Nowadays, devices based on ultrasensitive quantum sensors are gaining an increasingly important role in medicine and biology. The application of such technologies will make it possible to detect multiple diseases at a very early stage,” commented Maxim Ostras, Project Supervisor.

One of Russian Quantum Center’s (RQC’s) projects supported by Gazprombank is focused on making highly-sensitive magnetic field sensors as well as related biomedical integrated solutions. The potential for registering brain signals using these sensors has already been shown within the framework of the project. Currently, a device is in the works for use in epilepsy detection.

Additionally, with Gazprombank’s support, another work area based on the biomedical application of these sensors is being launched at the RQC. In collaboration with Skoltech’s Professor Gleb Sukhorukov, an outstanding biophysicist ranked among Forbes’ Top 10 internationally-renowned Russian-born scientists, an interdisciplinary project involving the application of theranostics (simultaneous therapy and diagnostics) to a wide range of diseases has commenced.

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