
Supporting young specialists

Students of financial and economic institutes in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities are offered traineeships in the Bank’s head office and branches and receive scholarships from the Bank.

The Bank has a strong focus on engaging talented young specialists. Students of financial and economic institutes in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities are offered traineeships in the Bank’s head office and branches and receive scholarships from the Bank. Graduates who successfully complete their theoretical course and earn a good reputation during their traineeships are offered employment with the Bank.

In particular, the Bank’s sponsored chair at MGIMO University, which has existed for the past 8 years, has already trained five cohorts, most of whom are now employed by the Bank.

A front-end development trainee school for third-party students has operated at the Bank for two years. The training program, developed jointly with a leading vendor, not only helps establish close cooperation with the country’s key technical and economic universities, but also to train an external HR standby pool for the implementation of major IT projects within the Technological Transformation Strategy.