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21% годовых по вкладу на 367 дней

Information for the holders

Information for the holders

of depositary receipts issued for the shares of PJSC Gazprom related to the declarative conversion of Gazprom DRs into the shares of PJSC Gazprom (hereinafter referred to as the Shares)

Please be informed that on 10.11.2022 the deadline for accepting applications for participation in declarative (forced) conversion, provided for in paragraph 20 of Article 6 of Federal Law No. 114 FZ dated April 16, 2022 "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies", has expired.

Please note that this section of the site is archive and is not a guide for use!

Please be informed that since 01.11.2022 Gazprombank has updated form for the application the declarative conversion of depositary receipts. Also consent forms for the processing of personal data have been introduced in the form of appendices to the application for the declarative conversion of depositary receipts.

The updated application form for the declarative conversion of depositary receipts, consent forms for the processing of personal data are posted in the "Documents" section of this memo. Updated recommendations for compliting an application for the declarative conversion of depositary receipts are also published in this section.

We pay your attention!

Until 10.11.2022 (inclusive) Gazprombank allows the submission of application form issued on “old-style” form, with the attachment of consent forms for the processing of personal data.

To documents accepted before 01.11.2022, standard application form is applicable, without taking into account changes.

*  *  *

On 14 July 2022 Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 319-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law) was adopted which establishes that from 15 July 2022:

1) the DR Holder or the person in whose interests the Holder possesses and (or) manages them (Beneficial Owner) shall have the right to submit an application for declarative conversion of DRs (hereinafter referred to as the Application, Appendix 1) to the depository of Gazprombank (hereinafter referred to as the Depository) where the securities account of depository programs is opened for the record-keeping of the rights to the Shares, with enclosure of the set of documents named in the Application confirming possession of the respective number of Gazprom DRs by the Holder or the Beneficial Owner , validity and legality of the interest of the person submitting the application for declarative conversion of DRs and actions of the Holder in the interests of the Applicant, as well as the Foreign Entity performing the record-keeping of the rights of the  DR Holder and higher-level nominal holders (foreign nominal holders), if record-keeping of the rights to DRs of the Holder or the Beneficial Owner is performed by Foreign entities and the Beneficial Owner cannot receive the Shares due to the introduction of restrictions against them and (or) the associated persons, or against foreign entities in charge of record-keeping of the rights to Gazprom DRs, or due to unfriendly actions by foreign states, international organizations, foreign financial organizations, including those related to the introduction of restrictions against the Russian Federation, Russian legal entities and citizens of the Russian Federation.

Recommendations for completing the Application are attached (Appendix 1a).

2) The Application and the set of Documents shall be provided within one hundred and twenty days from the date on which part 20 of Article 6 of the Law 114-FZ entered into force, specifically before 10 November 2022 inclusively. 

Therefore, kindly be informed about the procedure for the submission of the Application and the Set of Documents. 

3) We remind you that on November 10, 2022, the deadline for submitting Applications for the declarative conversion of depositary receipts issued for shares of PJSC Gazprom to Gazprombank expires.

At the same time, please note that in cases where Gazprombank has notified of the need to provide additional documents (replacement of some documents) attached to the application for declarative conversion, the deadline for receiving such documents by the Bank is until November 18, 2022 (reception is carried out at the additional office at the following address: 9 Vtoroy Verkhny Mikhailovsky proezd, bld. 11, Moscow).

This guide contains the following terms:


Gazprom PJSC shares, registered ordinary shares, ISIN RU0007661625

Depositary Receipts, DRs

Depositary receipts issued for Shares.


A person receiving services from a Foreign Entity for the record-keeping of the rights to Depositary Receipts


A person submitting this Application to Gazprombank.


Application for declarative conversion of DR, issued according to the Gazprombank's form.

Foreign Entity

A foreign entity authorized to keep records and transfer the rights to securities in accordance with the governing law.

Beneficial Owner

A person who actually owns Depositary Receipts.


The following steps shall be performed in order to carry out the transaction on declarative conversion of Gazprom DRs into the Shares:

Step 1

Holders of DRs - individuals who were denied the conversion of DRs in connection with the restrictions or due to unfriendly actions by foreign states, international organizations, foreign financial organizations may visit the office of Gazprombank providing depository services located at the address below to:

— present an identity document (Appendix 2),

— submit the Application with the set of Documents,

— submit documents to open a securities account. It is necessary to have the details of a bank ruble account for dividend payment on Shares. The ruble bank account can be opened at the office of Gazprombank.

Holders of Gazprom DRs - legal entities who were denied the conversion of Gazprom DRs in connection with the restrictions or due to unfriendly actions by foreign states, international organizations, foreign financial organizations shall visit the office of Gazprombank located at the address below to:

— present a set of identification documents (Appendix 3),

— submit the Application with the set of Documents,

— nitiate opening of the securities account. Details of the bank account for dividend payment on Shares must be provided.

The office of the Gazprombank providing services to individuals and legal entities as part of depository and banking services is located at the following address: 9 Vtoroy Verkhny Mikhailovsky proezd, bld. 11, Moscow

Private banking customers should contact their personal account manager.

If any encumbrances or restrictions on the management of such securities (except for restrictions on the management introduced in connection with the unfriendly actions by foreign states, international organizations, foreign financial organizations, including in connection with the introduction of restrictions against the Russian Federation, Russian legal entities and citizens of the Russian Federation) are established with regard to DRs, the Application shall include the information about encumbrances or restrictions on the management, including the number of the applicable DRs, and about the person in whose favor or in whose interests the encumbrance or the restriction is established, and the documents confirming (supporting) the establishment of the encumbrance or the restriction of management shall be provided.

Should the documents or the copies thereof be in a foreign language, they shall be duly apostilled/legalized and their translation into Russian shall be certified by a Russian notary or Russia’s Consular services, with the exception of the following documents, for which the requirements of apostille/legalization do not apply:

- documents confirming the impossibility of conversion in a standard ("voluntary") manner, which must be translated into Russian, the translation of which must be certified by a notary of the Russian Federation or the consular service of the Russian Federation;

- the protocol of the inspection by the notary of the Russian Federation / the consular service of the Russian Federation of the Applicant's account (personal account) with a foreign broker / depository on the Internet, with a translation into Russian, which must be certified by a notary of the Russian Federation / the consular service of the Russian Federation.

Step 2

The invoice for the services of declarative conversion of DRs may be received upon the acceptance of the Application and the Set of Documents. Kindly note that in case of failure to pay within the period specified in the Application the Depository shall have the right to refuse to open the securities account and to credit the respective number of Shares to the said account.

The tariff for the service of crediting shares of Gazprom PJSC to the securities account as a result of the declarative conversion of depositary receipts is set at 1.5 rubles per share of Gazprom PJSC (VAT free).

If Gazprombank decides to refuse to carry out Declarative Conversion, the commission charged for the operation of crediting shares of Gazprom PJSC to the securities account is subject to refund to the Applicant.

Step 3

Any additional documents shall be submitted upon the request of the Depository.

Step 4

Within 10 business days from the deadline for the submission of Applications for declarative conversion (November, 10 2022), Gazprombank makes a decision on the execution of the Application or on the refusal to execute the Application. After the decision of Gazprombank, a notification of the execution or refusal to execute the the Application will be sent to the e-mail address specified by the Applicant when visiting the Gazprombank office. The Applicant can also receive the report that the Shares have been credited to the securities account or the refusal to credit the Shares by visiting the office of Gazprombank at the location of the Application submission.

Step 5

Notify the party that possess or manages the DR (for example, your broker) or the depository performing the record-keeping the rights to the DR, that you have received the Shares.

Kindly note the following!

According to the Law the Depository shall have the right to refuse to open the securities account for the applicant and to credit the respective number of Shares to the said account in case of reasonable doubts about the completeness and (or) reliability of data or in case of lack of data specified in the Application for the declarative conversion and the enclosed documents.

Withdrawal of the Application

If, for any reason, the Applicant decides to withdraw the Application for declarative conversion from Gazprombank in one of the following ways:

- on Gazprombank's official website www.gazprombank.ru in the feedback form with the attachment of a copy of the identity document (for individuals) or the registration document (for legal entities), and indicating the email address that was provided when submitting the Application for declarative conversion;


- during a personal visit to any Gazprombank office in the form of a written request in the form of Gazprombank marked "To the Depository".

Contact details for any feedback

Address: 9 Vtoroy Verkhny Mikhailovsky proezd, bld. 11, Moscow

Dedicated email address

Multichannel telephone

+7 (495) 913-74-74